Saturday, September 09, 2006

Hampton Roads IndyMedia Coalition

I know we like to fuss about the MSM. They've done such a poor job of reporting issues of importance.

A free, independent press is crucial in a democracy. A group of Hampton Roads citizens took matters into their own hands and created the Hampton Roads Indy Media Coalition.This group is affiliated with the global Indymedia network.

Now, Hampton Roads is no longer dependent on the MSM press--Va Pilot and Daily Press--or the MSM televeision news.This group is affiliated with the worldwide Indymedia network. Gloabalization activists created Indymedia to allow accurate coverage of what activists are doing. They realized the corporate controlled media was not covering the globalization movement. If the media "did" cover the globalization efforts it was always provided with a corporate slant.

For those of you with Dish Network you are already getting some great indymedia coverage on the linktv and free speech tv--FSTV--channels.

Now you can read news from local citizens on local, regional, and national issues and events at HRIMC.ORG

There's also a calendar where folks can post meetings and local happenings.

Check it out and participate. The IndyMedia has provided the platform so that local progressives can get their news out....

If Hampton Roads citizens get active and participate then this could become a force in Hampton Roads media and it is NOT corporate controlled.

You can participate by simply using the platforms provided....the website for publishing news....broadcast is coming, video/tv, are coming soon. There's also a newspaper so your articles on the website might even end up in the local indy paper.

If you are interested in joining HRIMC and assisting with providing the media platforms you can work in the broadcast areas (website, radio and/or video podcasting....or the local paper).

The monthly meetings happen on the third Thursday evenings of each month at 7:30 pm. They meet in the comfy group meeting room of the Hershee Bar at 6117 Sewells Point Road, Norfolk, Virginia.

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