Monday, November 05, 2007

Last Minute Republican Dirty Tricks

The last minute dirty trick gives your opponent no time to undo the damage and "out" you as a lying, scheming, bum. Look what the desperate Republicans are doing in Kentucky. They "invent" nonexistent, FAKE, "homosexual" organizations and then do Robo Calls saying they are "homosexual" and supporting the Democratic candidate. Funny thing, maybe these Republicans really are "homosexuals" but closeted so they are just doing another deceitful lie in a day's work (while they vote to deny gay rights to anyone.....why should a Republican "homosexual" worry about rights when in this day and age they can be "above" any law?

Hopefully any voter getting one of these Robo calls will realize they have even more reasons to go to the polls and vote for the Democrat.

It's a bad trick...especially since only last week a "homophobic" anti gay Republican Michael Curtis from Washington State was outed. Seems this right wing , conservative Republican enjoys wearing women's clothes and soliciting sex in an X-rated Erotica shop. Of course, he's now doing the "I'm not gay defense." (source)

It seems like a week can't go by without some right wing holier than thou republican is being caught in a sex scandal. At least this time it doesn't involve children.


Rick Howell said...

Thanks for that, Mosquito. I used to live in Kentucky, and I know Republicans in that state are panicked at the thought of losing that governor's race.....but that "robo" call is reprehensible. It's typical of how desperate they get at the prospect of losing. Your "buzz" is right on, again.

Mosquito said...

Thanks so much Rick...I always love hearing from you b/c I truly enjoy your blog....I've been so busy lately I haven't taken the time to comment but as soon as I have some time I'll be happy to give you some honest feedback too.


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For my part one and all have to go through this.

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I believe one and all must glance at it.