Friday, June 27, 2008

Torture Lawyer Evades Questions

These alleged war criminals are so arrogant!!


Catzmaw said...

Appalling and yet also irrefutable evidence of the disdain in which this Administration holds the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

Mosquito said...

There maybe hope....Vincent Bugliosi book concerning prosecuting George Bush is making the rounds and gaining lots of support...keep an eye on cspan they are supposed to televise a talk by Vincent.

Cominius said...

It seems that Conyers is playing the game here. His question, "Do you think a president could order a prisoner buried alive.", is not answerable. Could a president issue such an order. Certainly. But what relevance does that have. A president could order the moon blue.

He could have usefully asked, What would you have advised President Bush if he suggested ordering a prisoner buried alive? Or If a president issued an order to bury a prisoner alive, would that be illegal? Would it be torture? Of course one would then have to define 'bury alive' as to how much of the body, a toe, a leg, to the top of the torso?

Conyers is only grandstanding here. He has not thought the questions through enough to get any useful information.

Mosquito said...

cominus--the presidential powers you are describing sound more like the "godlike" powers granted kings during the middle ages.

To think....I thought one of the great things about the United States was how our founders fought a revolution to rid ourselves of a king. Our founders created a constitutional government where NO ONE NOT EVEN OUR PRESIDENT was above the law...and it's been that way until this time when the corporations took over our government and our press (i.e. media).
