Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Stop the Madness....Get the Facts

The insurance industry and the Republican Party are spreading lies and rumors in order to continue the status quo in our health insurance system. A status quo that will become increasingly expensive (and worthless with denial of claims, etc).

The town hall mobs are just one aspect of their plan. If they can prevent folks from discussing the issues they think "they" might win and keep this extremely profitable corporate insurance system in place with little to no competition.

There's a remedy. It's called truth. So let's stop the mob rule and the rumor mill that the corporate media is promoting for their clients. Corporate media loves to fan the chaos because more groups will buy ad time. They get rich off of controversy even if it is controversy manufactured by the corporations.

Visit WhiteHouse.gov/Reality Check get the facts and spread the truth.

The stakes are just too high to do nothing.


Cargosquid said...

Here's the truth. Stay away from the White House too.


This is the source document.

That way readers can decide for themselves.

Star Womanspirit said...


You are correct we all need to think for ourselves but the whitehouse website is trying to counter much of the lies that are being intentionally spread by astroturf organizations that are controlled by corporate interests (such as freedomworks and the coalition for patients rights).....

Hope all is going well for you....

Cargosquid said...

Actually, I'm not controlled by Freedomworks or anyone else. I read the house bill. And didn't like it. Lets look for other, less intrusive, ways to reform our health insurance laws based on the free market.