Oh my gosh....the insurgents are ordinary citizens with nationalistic motives? If America was invaded do you think our citizens would have nationalistic motives and fight against the occupation forces?
Surprisingly, Department of Defense reports collaborate this film's findings (i.e. these reports consistently find that 70% of the insurgency consists of ordinary Iraqi's fighting an occupation).
America's Corporate Media has flooded our airwaves with Bush and Pentagon video footage with their commentaries and commentators...yet it refuses to air this documentary. Whatever happened to presenting a balanced picture? Americans need to hear from ordinary Iraqi citizens if they want a balanced picture of what is going on in Iraq.
Check your LOCAL theatres and see if they will be bringing Massive Resistance into town.
Thanks to my favorite insect....I had not heard about this documentary....now I will see it, and help promote it.
Rick H.
It's always a pleasure to have you drop by....I just got finished commenting on a post at your blog....
American corporations also "refuse" to air many "pro-war" documentaries. Its all about the money. Of course the Iraqis resisted us. There are many Iraqi patriots that resist us. However, they ARE insurgents rebelling against a duly elected govt. The insurgents fight us for many reasons. However, the patriotic minded ones are now starting to assist us, at least in the Sunni areas. They have given up any wild dreams of returning to the status quo. The Shia militias want us gone because we restrict their ability to attack the Sunni and vice versa. Most Iraqis want us to stay until the government can handle the terrorists, insurgents and foreign fighters.
cargosquid shich "pro-war" documentary are you referring to?
The fact is that corporations have militar, pro war talking heads on the majority of the time. How often does anyone in our country get to hear the ordinary Iraqi's viewpoint on what is happening in their country?
I believe this maybe due to the fact that the vast majority of "ordinary Irawi" desire the sme thing the majority of "ordinary" Americans want---The U.S. out of Iraq....But our voices are rarely featued in the corporate media-ocrity.
I FORGOT to ask the obvious question....You say they are refusing to air many pro-war documentaries....Which ones and why? Please don't name the ones that haven't been offered to tv stations to air yet...you know that have to do the run of theatres and dvd stores first.
Massive Resistance hasn't completed its' run of theatres and dvd rental stores and it is being offered to the major networks...That's really unusual being rejected under those circumstances...I believe Michael Moore's documentaries were also rejected when they were offered up "ahead" of the schedule....
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