Saturday, January 17, 2009

DSCC wants feedback? Give it to them.

A friend sent me this link from Senator Bob Menendez, the new chair of the Senate Democratic Committee. It appears he wants feedback from us.

Since he asked....I gave it to him. I hope you will too. Follow this link.

I'm tired of my elected officials voting their economic interests. Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) has legislation that the Democrats did NOT support...Blind trusts for the investments of all members of congress.

In addition, we need campaign finance reform to get ALL lobbyists money out of Congress...No more freebies, gifts or money for campaigns.

THEN maybe Congress will vote in the best interests of their constituents instead of selling us out to corporations.

When the Democrats back up their empty promises by enacting these two simple measures then and only then can we trust you.

Since he asked....I gave it to him. I hope you will too. Follow this link.

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