Friday, September 01, 2006

More Caca from Allen?

Senate man Senate man whatcha gonna do?
Whatcha gonna do when we come for you?

It will be interesting to see how Senator Allen votes during the September session. Will he continue to ignore his constituents and back the Corporate powers that be? Is he going to continue to dismantle net neutrality? If he votes for Senator Stevens telecommunications bill net neutrality is gonna die.

Senator Allen are you going to expand federal powers and limit states rights? Will you defy all 50 US state governors? Will you vote to put the National Guard under Bush’s incompetent leadership?

How about making the President a king and beholden to no law in the land? Are you going to back that bill that will grant immunity for all the President’s men who violated the Geneva Convention and international law. Are you going to back Spector’s new wiretapping bill that will immunize all the President’s men for their illegal mis-behaviors. Actions that did not make us safer, btw. However, they sure have given the Republican Corporation—ChoicePoint—lots of private information on Americans. Information that will be used in the future to continue to divide not unify our country. Information that can be used by the Republican party to dismantle democracy and enshrine a one party rule in this country.

If you continue your bushwhacked voting record…I remind you… November's judgement day is just around the corner.

Senate man Senate man whatcha gonna do?
Whatcha gonna do when we come for you?

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