Sunday, January 13, 2008

Bush Misleading us again--Edited Iran gunboat video

Over at Buzzflash, Kristinea Borgeeson reports, "the highly provocative audio of mysterious provenance" is missing from the raw footage of the incident that the Pentagon released. This only highlights the manipulative and deceitful Bush Regime propaganda being put out by the Pentagon. Isn't there a law against this?

Of course, Bush rushed to use this videotape to facilitate Dick Cheney's continued quest to invade Iran. A long time Cheney operative, Stephen Hadley warns us that, "
"It could have—and came very close to—resulting in an altercation between our forces and their forces," he said, "They’ve got to be very careful about this, because if it happens again, they are going to bear the consequences of that incident."

The trail of propaganda videotape, statements by the Bush regime point out that the "peace part" of the president's current Middle East mission is only a ruse. What Bush and Cheney want is to start another war with Iran.

Why is it that Pelosi and Reid continue to play "The Deciders" against the wishes of the majority of Americans to tie these two up in impeachment proceedings so they can do no more harm until a new president is in the White House?


Unknown said...

As usual the neocons are trying to hype another war to cause the chaos necessary to push their unfettered free market theories into action. This is built upon Milton Friedman's economic theories which have already been proven to be flawed on any number of occassions, from Chile in the 70's to Russia in the 90's. Naomi Klein's thoroughly researched book "The Shock Doctrine" should be mandatory reading for any thinking American. Pelosi and Reid have repeatedly let the American people down by not initiating impeachment proceedings in order to tie up these madmen in the White House. Left to their on devices Cheney, Rumsfeld (yes he is still at play here) and their "face" G.W. Bush will bring down this country. I truly fear it is a real possibility. God save us.

Mosquito said...


I fear you are correct....before too long everyone in every country, including ours, is going to be wondering where we can immigrate to in order to earn a living....